I can’t help but notice the overwhelming number of blog posts and videos advocating for one gaming platform or the other. It’s somewhat understandable, with next-gen consoles being released, but we can’t lose sight of the most important part of this point in history; gaming is a momentous piece of our social fabric.

Enjoyment should not be limited by the piece of hardware on which we chose to consume the media. Gamers can enjoy gaming on an Atari or a Sega Genesis because the reward is in playing. By this, I mean that the software, or the experience, is the important piece that shouldn’t be missed.

Next Gen Consoles

We are at the point where two gaming system giants are releasing their most recent “titans” onto the masses. By doing so they have revealed the next expanse of gaming. Regardless of which hardware format you pledge your allegiance the new dawn of gaming is here.

Personally, I do not subscribe to platform supremacy, but rather to the advancement of gaming as a whole. There is too much content available. The media too precious, to be bickered over by which system can render it the “best” or “fastest”. If the escape and the magic that gaming provides cannot be equally appreciated on all sides of the fence, what is the point?

I would argue that it’s merely splitting hairs to argue the differences between the Xbox Series X, Playstation 5, and PC. Console gaming will never be able to keep up with the hardware flexibility of a PC, but the differences are marginal. For me, the games are where the focus should be, and this goes for any system. Of course, the industry will always push the envelope of what the hardware can do. As a consumer of this fine product, I get to enjoy all of the benefits.

Games – The software makes the difference

There is, however, one exception to the argument of which platform reigns supreme, and that is the software. The games themselves are the grey area where you must choose; unless, of course, you chose to pay for everything out there. When hardware manufacturers own game studios and intellectual properties, it creates a line where the consumer must choose or pony up the dough. This line is becoming more pronounced, with Microsoft buying up studios and IP’s in recent years; one area where Sony has had a distinct advantage.

We are at an enormous point in history, where hardware is close enough to make it a fair fight, regardless of which platform you chose. Console gaming can perform at a similar level to a PC.

I understand that the last statement sounds a little off the rails, but both Xbox and Playstation wield performance that rivals that of moderate gaming PC systems. The games are where the real fun is, so don’t get caught up in the “mine’s better than yours”, but rejoice with your fellow game enthusiasts.